Date | Mar 1 | Total matches | 4 |
Men's matches | 2 | Women's matches | 2 |
Singles matches | 3 | Tag Team matches | 1 |
Trio Matches | 0 | Other Matches | 0 |
Elimination Chamber took place on March 1, 2025 and featured 4 matches on the card. All of the matches ended by pinfall, submission, or the rules stipulated by the match. No championships were defended on the card.
The matches featured 18 wrestlers and 2 tag teams, highlighted by John Cena, Kevin Owens, Trish Stratus, Tiffany Stratton and Bianca Belair.
(2 of 4 Matches)
More Singles
Usual Tag
Less Mens
Usual Womens
Balance of Power
Faces won the card with 3 wins (of 4 matches).
(Heels won 1 matches)
Men's Singles Elimination Chamber |
1-0 (Overall: 1-0, Last 5: 2-0) Win Probability: 10.5% |
2-1 (Last 5: 4-1) Win Probability: 22.8% |
2-4 (Last 5: 0-0) Win Probability: 9.9% |
2-2 (Last 5: 0-0) Win Probability: 19.3% |
3-1 (Overall: 5-1, Last 5: 1-0) Win Probability: 22.2% |
1-1 (Last 5: 1-4) Win Probability: 15.2% |
Men's Singles Unsanctioned |
3-1 (Overall: 3-1, Last 5: 3-1-1) Win Probability: 73.7% |
1-3 (Overall: 1-4, Last 5: 1-4) Win Probability: 26.3% |
Women's Tag Team |
1-0 (Last 5: 1-0) Win Probability: 77.6% |
0-2 (Last 5: 1-3) Win Probability: 22.4% |
Women's Singles Elimination Chamber |
2-1 (Overall: 3-5, Last 5: 2-3) Win Probability: 13.3% |
1-1 (Overall: 1-1, Last 5: 1-1) Win Probability: 21.9% |
2-3 (Overall: 2-4, Last 5: 1-4) Win Probability: 12.5% |
0-3 (Overall: 4-4, Last 5: 2-3) Win Probability: 17.2% |
2-3 (Overall: 3-7, Last 5: 2-3) Win Probability: 10.9% |
1-1 (Overall: 2-1, Last 5: 3-1) Win Probability: 24.2% |