DateMar 25Total matches3
Men's matches2Women's matches0
Singles matches1Tag Team matches2
Trio Matches0Other Matches0

This episode of NWA USA took place on March 25, 2023 and featured 3 matches on the card.  All of the matches ended by pinfall, submission, or the rules stipulated by the match.  No championships were defended on the card.

The matches featured 10 wrestlers and 4 tag teams, highlighted by AJ Cazana, Anthony Andrews, Jax Dane, Angelina Love, Fodder, Judias and Gags the Gimp.


Top of the Card
Men's Tag Team
AJ Cazana and Anthony Andrews
3-0 (Last 5: 4-0)
Win Probability: 71.1%
━━━━━━━━━━┥   vs   ┝━━━━━━━━━━
Judias and Gags the Gimp
0-1 (Last 5: 0-1)
Win Probability: 28.9%

Men's Singles
Jax Dane
1-1 (Overall: 2-2, Last 5: 2-2-1)
Win Probability: 77.1%
━━━━━━━━━━┥   vs   ┝━━━━━━━━━━
Shepard Lutz
0-1 (Overall: 0-1, Last 5: 0-1)
Win Probability: 22.9%

Middle of the Card
Tag Team
Angelina Love and Fodder
Win Probability: 64.8%
━━━━━━━━━━┥   vs   ┝━━━━━━━━━━
PJ Hawx and Kylie Paige
Win Probability: 35.2%

© 2023
Last updated Wednesday June 21 9:06 AM EDT