DateMar 11Total matches4
Men's matches2Women's matches2
Singles matches2Tag Team matches2
Trio Matches0Other Matches0

This episode of NWA USA took place on March 11, 2023 and featured 4 matches on the card.  All of the matches ended by pinfall, submission, or the rules stipulated by the match.  No championships were defended on the card.

The matches featured 12 wrestlers and 4 tag teams, highlighted by Daisy Kill, Samantha Starr, Chico Adams, The Real Drago, Ella Envy and Roxy.


Top of the Card
Men's Singles
Daisy Kill
1-0 (Last 5: 1-0)
Win Probability: 66.7%
━━━━━━━━━━┥   vs   ┝━━━━━━━━━━
Rush Freeman
0-1 (Last 5: 3-1)
Win Probability: 33.3%

Women's Singles
Samantha Starr
1-1 (Overall: 2-2, Last 5: 2-2)
Win Probability: 72.4%
━━━━━━━━━━┥   vs   ┝━━━━━━━━━━
0-1 (Overall: 0-1, Last 5: 0-1)
Win Probability: 27.6%

Middle of the Card
Men's Tag Team
Chico Adams and The Real Drago
1-0 (Last 5: 1-0)
Win Probability: 77.3%
━━━━━━━━━━┥   vs   ┝━━━━━━━━━━
Brian Brock and Devin Diaz
0-1 (Last 5: 0-1)
Win Probability: 22.7%

Women's Tag Team
Ella Envy and Roxy
2-2 (Last 5: 2-2)
Win Probability: 78.0%
━━━━━━━━━━┥   vs   ┝━━━━━━━━━━
Ruthie Jay and Jacey Love
0-1 (Last 5: 0-1)
Win Probability: 22.0%

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Last updated Sunday June 18 4:59 PM UTC