DateMay 12Total matches1
Men's matches1Women's matches0
Singles matches1Tag Team matches0
Trio Matches0Other Matches0

This episode of Before the Impact took place on May 12, 2022 and featured 1 matches on the card.  All of the matches ended by pinfall, submission, or the rules stipulated by the match.  Only one championship, the X-Division Championship, was defended on the card.

The matches featured 2 wrestlers, highlighted by Ace Austin and Aiden Prince.


Top of the Card
Men's Singles
X-Division Championship
Ace Austin
0-0 (Overall: 8-4, Last 5: 4-1)
Win Probability: 80.5%
━━━━━━━━━━┥   vs   ┝━━━━━━━━━━
Aiden Prince
0-0 (Overall: 0-2, Last 5: 0-2)
Win Probability: 19.5%

© 2022
Last updated Friday May 13 3:32 AM UTC